
Diagnostic Imaging

At North Bentwood Veterinary Hospital and Boarding, we are committed to utilizing the latest diagnostic imaging technology to provide the highest standard of care for your pet.

Contact us today to learn more about our diagnostic imaging services.

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Diagnostic Imaging

At North Bentwood Veterinary Hospital and Boarding, we utilize state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging technology to provide accurate and timely diagnoses for our patients. Our experienced veterinarians leverage advanced imaging techniques to assess your pet’s health and develop effective treatment plans.

X-Ray Imaging

We use x-ray technology to obtain detailed images of your pet’s bones and internal organs, allowing us to identify fractures, detect foreign objects, and diagnose various medical conditions.

Focused Diagnosis

With the help of diagnostic imaging, our veterinarians can pinpoint the root cause of your pet’s health concerns, allowing for targeted treatment and improved outcomes.


Our ultrasound capabilities enable us to visualize soft tissues and internal organs in real-time, aiding in the diagnosis of conditions such as tumors, organ abnormalities, and pregnancy.

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