A little perspiration never hurt anyone. Humans bodies perspire to keep themselves cool during workouts or  hotter temperatures. Spring and Summer call for outdoor activities like gardening, swimming, or going on walks. Many people enjoy these outdoor activities with their furry companions. It is very rewarding to have your cat sit by you while you are planting vegetables or your loyal canine enjoying a morning walk around the neighborhood.

Scottish Terrier Toddy Bones

“Gardening requires lots of water… most in the form of perspiration.” ~ Louise Erickson

Plants need water to grow. When you are starting a garden or planting a new flowerbed you always remember to water at least once a day. Just like it is important to water your new garden your pets also need plenty of fresh water available for them to drink. Canines do not perspire like humans, but instead, pant to help cool them down. If you are planning on letting your pups play outside during the hotter temperatures always remember these 5 simple rules:


  1. Always provide plenty of fresh water for your pet to drink. It is one way to help them stay hydrated and cool off! Remember not to get mad if they play in the water, just like kids love a good splash of cool water to beat the heat.

  2. It is important that you have a nice shaded area for them to be able to get out of direct sunlight. You don’t want them getting a sunburn!

  3. During the hottest part of the day remember to bring them inside. If you don’t have a place inside to keep your furry companions during the day, remember there are dog and cat daycare options. Check around your town for the best option for you. Some places may require reservations due to limited space, so it is always a good idea to check your schedule and make arrangements.

  4. Walks around the neighborhood or running for exercise is always a highlight for your furry canine companions, but it is important to always check the pavement before asking your pet to walk a long distance. If the pavement is too hot for your feet then it is too hot for their paws. You don’t want your pet to end up with burns and blisters! There are numerous booties to help protect your pets paws.

  5. If you are going for a walk or run, always pack an extra water bottle for your pet as well as yourself. Hydration is key to staying cool and not over heating!

Spring and Summer are wonderful times to travel and enjoy the outdoors. Pet’s love being with their owners and enjoy a car ride to the park, beach or lake. However, just like you can’t stay in an non air conditioned vehicle in the hotter temperatures, neither can your pet. Always keep the windows open and park in the shade if you must run inside real quick for something. Never keep pets in a car unattended in the summer. Think of a locked car as an oven. You don’t want to lose you pet due to heat exhaustion.

Enjoy your Spring and Summer with your friends, family, and pets!