Top 5 Poisonous Holiday Plants

Poinsettias, Lilies, Mistletoe, Holly, and Pine, just to name a few of our favorite holiday plants. These plants are staple fixtures in many homes throughout the Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter Holidays. However, they can be dangerous to your furry companions especially if ingested. If you plan to have these in your homes this season please keep them out of reach of your pets or maybe consider a fake version if you are planning on placing them in a spot that your furry companion could reach.

  1. Poinsettias- Poinsettias are known for their vibrant red color ( sometimes white in color) that fills the front of my churches. Many colleges and schools sell them for fundraisers. However, if your pet ingests them it can cause nausea and vomiting and in some cases even death. If you suspect your pet has ingested part of a poinsettia please contact your veterinarian.

  2. Lilies- Lilies are highly toxic to felines. In fact, every part of the lily from the pollen to the leaves, to the roots, and even the water in the vase. If a feline sniffs the pollen or ingest any part of a lily it can cause kidney failure. If you have a feline in the home it is strongly recommended to NOT have lilies in the house.

  3. Mistletoe- “Kiss me under the mistletoe” is one of the favorite themes at a holiday party. However, you want to make sure the mistletoe is far out of reach of a pet. After ingesting mistletoe, pets can experience breathing problems, a drop in blood pressure, and hallucinations that often lead to unusual behavior. If ingested in large amounts your pet may experience seizures even death my occur. Please contact your veterinarian immediately if you suspect your pet ingested mistletoe.

  4. Holly- Holly graces many Christmas cards, with it’s vibrant green leaves and bright red berries it symbolizes joy. However, for your pets the Holly plants can cause vomiting and diarrhea. These plants are actually more poisonous than poinsettias. They contain toxins like saponins, methylxanthines (also found in dark chocolate), and cyanogens. Holly trees are best kept outside away from where your fur babies play. You do not want an emergency veterinarian visit this holiday season.

  5. Pine- O’ Christmas tree O’ Christmas tree…Many homes now have fake Christmas trees in their living rooms, due to allergies and poky pine needle on the floor. However, if you choose to have a Pine tree whether it be small or larger be careful of the Christmas tree’s water bowel with the mold, bacteria and fertilizers as they can be quite harmful to pets. The oil on the pine needles may also cause irritation in the mouth and possible vomiting. The sharp pine needles can cause agitation and lacerations in the digestive tract.